When it comes to home decor, adding the right rugs can completely transform the look and feel of a room. One style of rug that has stood the test of time is the oriental rug. These exquisite pieces are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and exceptional craftsmanship. While oriental rugs may come with a higher price tag...

Oriental rugs are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and rich cultural heritage. These rugs can instantly transform any room into a luxurious and elegant space. In the past, purchasing oriental rugs required visiting local stores or traveling to faraway markets. However, with the advent of e-commerce, buying oriental rugs online has...

Oriental rugs are not just beautiful additions to your home decor; they are also elegant and timeless investments. These rugs are known for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and luxurious materials. If you are considering buying an Oriental rug, it's important to understand what to look for to ensure you make the right choice. In this...

The season of autumn coats and accessories is here. Don't get discouraged by the cold and damp weather and bring a bit of fashion to your casual outfits for every day. The hottest trend for this season is all the shades of grey.


Fashionista, stylist, professional blogger. I live in the fashion world and love my life. I am here to be your guide for the casual look.


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